Devlog 2: Binding Switch


Let's get the obvious out of the way. RayGen was rebranded to hxRay on the 30th due to the name RayGen already being taken by someone else.


The rebrand brought the first 2 guides with it. You can check them out here:
I plan on writing guides for the most important processes to ease the learning curve of the engine quite a bit. Some guides may even recieve video tutorials at a later date.

Binding Switch

I've decided to switch to a built-in Raylib binding instead of a third-party one due to the third-party ones having issues.

You can find all of the raylib content in the RgRaylib class.

Note however, that the raylib binding is not documented, and excluded from the API documentation.

Less important things

The RgGameMngr class and the RgGlobal class are merging. With RgGlobal being the main class and RgGameMngr being deprecated. RgGameMngr will be removed soon, but currently acts as an alias for RgGlobal.

The Error Screen shown in the previous devlog will be removed because it didn't work.

An intro sequence will soon be added.

I know this month was kinda uneventful, but i spent way too long waiting on the third-party binding to get fixed instead of just writing my own. Next month will be a lot of writing this binding and optimizing it to work correctly.

That would conclude the second devlog. thanks for reading.


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